Interview Questions

What is Web Content Management System (WCMS)?
IBM WCM is a software management system through which the web entities can be built and also managed (such as html pages, documents etc). Once you install the WCM software, it provides you with the templates required for authoring, workflow management to the content. A non-technical user is a welcome guest here.

Interview Questions

What is syndication?
Syndication, (Web syndication in particular) is an ability to provide users updates of the content from the site. The most popular formats of web syndication are RSS and ATOM feeds.

What is local rendering and remote rendering?
The web content management portlets can be rendered local or remotely. A local rendering portlet displays content on the same portal as the instance where the web content manager is installed. A remote rendering portlet displays Web content on a different portal server than the instance where Web Content Manager is installed.

What are different steps in creating content for WebSphere portal WCM?
The following are different steps involved in creating the content for the WebSphere portal WCM:
  • Create Library
  • Create Workflow
  • Create Site area (Sites are removed in WebSphere Portal 7.0)
  • Create Authoring templates
  • Create Presentation templates
  • Map authoring and presentation templates

What are work flows?
A workflow is a sequence of steps that are followed in creating approved content. In WebSphere portal, a workflow contains one or more stages. Every stage contains one or more actions; the following are different Workflow actions available in WebSphere Publish, Expire, Email, Scheduled Move, and Custom Actions.

What are Authoring and Presentation Templates?
Authoring Template- This template is defined using authoring portlet, where we define the access information, form properties and default content. It does not contain any information for presentation and the elements in this form are linked to presentation template.
Presentation Template- This allows to change the look of a page without having to update what is being displayed on a page. It will allow defining Page style, Page layout and mapping element to the authoring templates.

What are the difference between personalization and customization?

Personalization-   It means to serve the user or consumer with user specific data depending on his interests collected over a time. A real world example would be Google serving ads basing on the recent search you made.
Customization- It is ability provided to the user to change the layout, styling of the page and save it.

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  1. Your blog is too good and informative i need this information.
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