Introduction To IBM Web Content Integrator

IBM Web Content Integrator

The Web Content Integrator is a answer for integrate externally administered Web content with WebSphere Portal. In the course of the use of regular content conglomeration feed technologies based on RSS 2.0, the Web Content Integrator provides a loosely-coupled methods for relocating published data and metadata to the portal after they have been approved in the source system. Once the content and metadata have been transferred to the portal, it is feasible to use the built-in content management features of WebSphere Portal to protect, personalize, and exhibit the content to users.
For using Web Content Integrator we have to first:
create a feed on the source system using the Web Content Integrator feed format specification.
configure WebSphere Portal to consume the feed.

Feed format specification:

RSS, or Really Simple Syndication, is an XML-based arrangement that is extensively used for absorb content from resources such as Web sites and blogs to readers who have subscribed to the feeds. The input to the Web Content Integrator is a content feed which act in accordance with with the RSS 2.0 format. The core feed format is relatively simple, with only a limited number of elements that need to be specified for each item in the feed. Conversely, the RSS 2.0 specification permits the base format to be extended using XML namespaces to maintain additional functionality. To facilitate a deeper level of control over how items are produced in WCM, an RSS extension has been defined which includes elements that map to many of the attributes of the Web Content Manager object model.
Here is the feed format example for reference:

IBM Web Content Integrator

Web Content Manager 6100087998024856208

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