IBM WCM Content Authorizing Homepage

By far one of the biggest complaints we hear from clients is how hard for authoring and managing the content. There are lot many ways to improve the experience on authoring, but it starts from: What the vendor provides. Recently IBM has released a new homepage for content authorizing including the catalog of solutions. For anyone who are using IBM WCM v 7.x, this catalog would be more helpful to overcome the problem. They have also included a video in the homepage that is in action.
IBM WCM Content Authorizing Homepage
The main aspects of them are listed below:

  • Thew new authoring homepage seems to be nice for a user.
  • It takes out a lot of 'busy" UI that's not needed for pure authoring.
  • Through some configuration, it allows the users for defining, which type of content templates should be available to which authors.  That makes the authoring UI even more useful.

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