The Content Manager
architecture consists of a Client, Library Server and Multiple Object Servers.
This is the end client who will be
getting to the information that is stored in the Content Manager execution
utilizing Library Servers and Object Servers. Note that the customer
corresponds with both Library Server and additionally the Object Servers.
The association between the customer and
the Object servers has high bandwidth when compared with the association
between the customer and the Library Server. This will turn out to be clear in
the following areas.
As of now, there is one Library Server
per implementation. By an implementation, we mean an autonomous execution of a
Content Manager Solution.
It’s Purpose
Library server, deals with the Content
Manager List data, finds stored objects utilizing a mixture of hunt
advancements, gives secure access to the objects in the accumulation, and
corresponds with the object servers. A Content Manager system obliges one library
server, which can keep running on Windows NT, Windows 2000, AIX, or OS/390.
The library server utilizes a social
database for the management of digital objects and gives information
uprightness by keeping up record data and controlling access to protests that
are put away on the item servers. This social database can be IBM DB2 Universal
Database (DB2 UDB) or Oracle.
The object server is the vault for
objects that are stored in the Content Manager System. Clients store and
recover objects from the Object server, through appeals that are routed by the
library server. There can be different Object Servers in a usage. The Object server
productively and naturally oversees capacity assets, based on the storage
management elements, (for example, volumes) that are characterized utilizing
the Content Manager System organization program. A Content Manager system can
have numerous article servers distributed across systems to give advantageous
user access. Object servers run on AIX, Windows NT, Windows 2000, or OS/390.
A database on the object server contains
information about the precise area of every article. The database can be either
DB2 UDB or Oracle
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